5 Important Reasons to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Before you learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, you must understand that breaking up with someone is not easy because getting that person out of your life is hard to do. Although the breakup wasn't difficult because the two of you plan on staying in touch with each other there is steal a sense of removing her from your life from a relationship point of view. This may be easy for some people to do but, for you it may not be so easy.

You may be wondering how can you truly be happy since she is gone. You may feel as though you need her back in your life because she is the one who makes you feel complete as a person. If you are having doubts about ending your relationship with your ex you should take into consideration these five important reasons why you want her back.

Was She Happy With You

Are you sure you made your ex girlfriend happy? When she was with you was she truly happy? Were you happy with the relationship? If you were able to make her happy you should have been happy with her also. If the two of you were really happy with each other you should think about getting back together with her.

Did She Make You Happy

Were you happy with your girlfriend? If she made you happy you should be willing to hang onto her. There is nothing more important than having a person you care about in your life because this will help you to become a better person and she will help you improve in areas of your life that you never thought of.

What Do You Have In Common With Her

Finding someone who has the same things in common as you is somewhat hard to find. If you want to have the best relationship possible she must have the same goals and the same morals as you do. If the two of you have all things in common and you are on one accord with each other you should really try to get her back. But you should only do this if she is the one who truly makes you happy and she is the one you can connect with on all levels.

Helping Each Other To Grow

She is not perfect and neither are you. The relationship that the two of you share is about growing individually and together. If your ex has helped you to grow as a person individually and in the relationship you should try your best to hold on to them. Growth is an important part of your relationship with her and if she has helped you in any kind of way in the growing process you need to rekindle your relationship with her.

Are There Children Involved

If there are children involved in your relationship with your ex girlfriend you may want to seriously think about getting her back. Although this is not necessary, there are children involved and it will be helpful to them if the two of you decided to work things out.

You will have to put in some hard labor to regain the trust of your ex girlfriend especially if you feel like she is a very important part of your life and you would much rather live with her than without her.

My Girlfriend Dumped Me - How Do I Get Her Back?

So, she dumped you. What now? If you want her back, you have landed to the right page. What you will read are ways on how you will win her heart once more.

In order to get your girlfriend back, you have to do a bit of thinking first. What made her dump you? Did you take her for granted? Did you not have a good relationship with her family? Did her friends disapprove of you? Did you cheat on her? After figuring out what made her decide to scrape you out of her life, it's time for you to strategize your next steps.

What you need to focus on (whatever strategy you will use) is give her what you failed to provide her during the time you two were together and more. And in the process of doing so, you have to be able to give her the impression that whatever you are doing right now, will be for good. However, timing is also very essential. Before doing any thing, it is necessary to give yourself and her some time. This will make your next moves as something with determination and sincerity.

Did you take her for granted?

If you lost track of time and forgot that you had a girlfriend because of many other things, it is the time for you to make room for her. Show her that, this time, she will be regarded important. That she will be, if not your top priority, at least your second priority. However, making her feel that she is your first priority will be a plus. On her birthday, send her flowers. Try personally bringing her some snacks at a particular day on her break time and eventually making it a habit. Then, at every 3pm, send her some snack and accompany it with a sweet note. If you heard that she got a promotion, send her a present.

Did you not have a good relationship with her family?

If this is your case, it is the hearts of her family that you have to win. You have to show them that you are right for their princess. Research is of essential. You have to know the weaknesses of every member of her family. Are they dog lovers? Do they love Italian food? Are they crazy about football? After determining what their weaknesses are, all you have to do is hit them in those weak spots. You will eventually win their trusts and their hearts and she will be touched by your efforts and definitely take you back.

Did her friends disapprove of you?

Remember this: her friends can be your strongest allies. If they like you, you have a stronger chance of getting her back. If they don't, it's simple, just think of the opposite. In fact, there are times that the influence of her friends is stronger than of her parents. Getting their votes gives you a bigger chance of winning her heart once more. How do you do this? There are actually numerous ways of doing it. You can talk to them heart to heart. Emotional appeal works. And after doing so, earn their trusts by hitting them at their weak spots just like how you can hit the weak spots of her family. With ladies, you can never go wrong with something sweet and something shiny. Just make your intentions clear. It is her friend and their trust that you want. You don't want to be mistaken as a womanizer.

Did you cheat on her?

This is difficult. If this was your committed sin, the rate of getting back together could be very vague. You will need a lot of prayer as you start courting her, her family and friends again. And if she really is the one, you have to expect all the possible and impossible hardships and humiliation that you might experience.


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