How Men Can Keep Their Girlfriends (How To Keep A Girlfriend Forever)

Your wife or girlfriend probably won't leave you over something as small as leaving your underwear on the floor. But there are some things that seem small to men that are real big issues for women. You may think you understand your girlfriend, but you might get a shock at some of the things you are missing.

And, if you miss these things, you could be in big trouble. This article is too short to list everything, but a few examples will get you thinking in the right direction.

Tell Her You Love Her!

It's a hard thing for most men to grasp, but buying her gifts and taking time to help your girlfriend do some things seem to go right over their heads many times. And you think that maybe expressing your feelings once a month or so fits the bill?

It doesn't! The problem is that men are not good communicators when it comes to verbal skills. And, when it comes to expressing or dealing with their emotions -- or anyone else's, for that matter -- it seems like a man would rather shoot himself sometimes than say a few simple words.

Men can go out with their buddies and watch the game in a sports bar, not really saying much of a word to the other guys except comments and cheers about the game. And, if they take one of their buddies in the car with them back home, sometimes hardly a word will pass between them unless it's related to the game. Most won't usually talk about anything real personal. They'll either remain silent or talk about the game they just watched, or some other trivia. Yet, for a man, this is a rewarding time out with their male friends!

Women, on the other hand, need constant positive reinforcement in a verbal way. That's why if you say "I love you, honey," at least once a day, that goes a long way towards reinforcing the fact that you really do love her and everything is OK in your relationship.

Women continually re-assess their relationships, while men assume that if there isn't a fight, everything is just fine.

In reality, your girlfriend hasn't forgotten the nice things you've done for her. But, if you don't constantly remind her of your love by saying so, she'll think you have changed your mind SINCE YESTERDAY! Keep this in mind every day, and you won't be surprised by having your girlfriend say, "We need to talk," only to find out that what she wants to talk about is how you don't love her anymore and that she wants to break up!

I know it can be hard many times to say this every day, but you really should tell her every day, in so many words, that you love her.

If you have a hard time talking this way so often, you can stick a note to the mirror or somewhere else she's going to see it. If this is still too difficult for you to do so often, then make a point of thanking her for making dinner, or telling her she's done something well. This will let her know you still care and that your relationship is still fine.

You Need to Really Listen!

Just imagine that you are trying to have a talk with your girlfriend or wife, only to notice her not paying attention or just staring into space as you talk. Unfortunately, this is the way a majority of men act without even knowing it. They zone out, thinking about something entirely different while the other person is talking to them, especially if it's about feelings or emotions or what they did wrong.

The fact of the matter is, men don't handle or think about emotions all that well. Rather than getting into THAT kind of discussion, they would rather just run away - LITERALLY. The bars are crowded with men who can't deal with one aspect or other of their relationships. They'd rather slip away and have a few drinks with the guys than deal with all of that "stuff" back home.

I know this is going to be real hard for most of you, but, when your girlfriend talks, make an effort to really listen to what she's saying, as in paying attention and not staring into space, or suddenly making some lame excuse to leave and go anywhere but where you are having this "talk" with your girlfriend.

This is a biggie, guys, and getting this one thing right and not avoiding emotional conversations with your girlfriend or wife will go a long way towards making your relationship happier and longer lasting.

But, you as a man need to have some quiet time. Maybe there's a report to finish for work or you are tired and want to watch the game without interruptions. When your girlfriend comes over and wants to talk during one of these times, explain as gently as possible you'd rather talk later and why. If she's a considerate woman, she'll honor this request and give you your time to yourself.

Remember, though, you can't withdraw all the time, or this will become a relationship problem too.

The Wise Use of Honesty

Sometimes it's not WHAT you say but how you say it that matters. Other times, you may have to leave out a detail or other. Outright lying in a relationship is a no no, but there is a time for tact and diplomacy.

Let me give you an old but good example.

Which would be the best way to say this?

"When I look into your eyes, time stands still."


"You have a face that could stop a clock!"

So, when your girlfriend asks, "Do I look fat in this?" What should your answer be?

Should you say, "That dress makes you look 15 pounds lighter?"


"I really don't know. You look good to me whatever you are wearing?" I know the second one sounds a little trite or stupid, but try something like this next time you get this question and you should get a positive result.

You need to be tactful, but if something is really bothering you, you should bring it up. After all, a good relationship is mostly based on good communication, and communication is a two way street. Most men don't discuss things that are bothering them because they naturally don't express themselves well, and often feel embarrassed when discussing problems.

Your natural inclination will be to run away or avoid the issue, but this is the last thing you should do. It's much better to get something that's bothering you out into the open. Most of the time, your girlfriend will actually appreciate the effort at communication, and it will strengthen your relationship, not hurt it. It's so much better than suddenly blowing up at her for what started out as a trivial issue that has now simmered and boiled over.

What could have been solved in the beginning with a simple, honest, discussion, can boil over after some time has passed into a relationship killer.

Your relationship doesn't have to be filled with frustration and drama if both of you put some effort into making it work. Despite the differences between men and women, open, honest communication and dealing head on with issues while they are still small can make things work out very well for your relationship. You both might want to get some good relationship advice for men. It could help both of you to understand each other better, and save a lot of heartache and stress.


It is generally seen and observed that women are more frank and talkative. They find it easy to speak out on any topics whether be it on official, home or any other subject. Women speak what is in their mind, how they feel and their likes and dislikes. It is good to be open and easily talk on different topics. Yet it is important to keep quiet at times and not talk on subjects that are meant to be very personal or confidential.

Usually women have been said to be good at gossiping and the ones who are unable to keep secrets to themselves. At times what happens is that women blurt out matters that are not meant to be spoken or shared anyone else and need to be between her and her partner. This is what at times causes problems. Generally couples keep a lot of information between the two of them that is not meant to be shared. But at times some women are unable to keep that information to themselves and leak it out to someone or the other which can cause problems.

When the male partner shares some information he is actually placing trust in you which should not be destroyed. This trust is important in a relationship and is the basis of a strong bond. Women who spill out information out of their relationship often face problems in their relationship. There is distrust and conflict between the partners. Obviously the male partner does not like to be betrayed in the sense that his information meant to be only for the two has been spread all around from mouth to mouth which nobody would like. It takes only a minute to spill the information out but the relationship suffers throughout. It causes mistrust and disappointment in the partners especially the male partner. Moreover the male partner will hesitate to share information in future that will make the relationship shallow and empty. The basis of any relationship is trust and if there is no trust between the partners it will be impossible for the relationship to survive. A relationship is special because the partner share a lot with each other that nobody else has a right to and when you let that information out and make it a sort of public affair the relationship looses its charm.

It is advised to women not to speak out the information which your male partner shares and is meant for the two of you only. It is not that all women are the same but yes the number of such women is more compared to mails. If you are into the habit of blurting out the information people take advantage of that and it causes a lot of mistrust and misunderstanding between the partners. Moreover the dignity and grace of a relationship is in not letting people know much about the family affairs and information that is only meant for the two partners. People get less to talk about the couples who do not give much information about their individual self and their partners. Such a relationship is always looked with respect and people never able to interfere with your relationship. If you are into the habit of blurting out the information people take advantage of that and it causes a lot of mistrust and misunderstanding between the partners.


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